Mio Padre: she does the simplest acts with distinction. Unde derivatur? Mia figlia ha una grandissima ammirazione per il suo maestro inglese. The old man‘s face, handsome, flushed, with strong …
I rush out of the tobacco-shop. James Joyce: Giacomo Joyce. Neuübersetzung (12).
I rush out of the tobacco-shop and call her name. She turns and halts to hear my jumbled words of lessons, hours, lessons, hours: and slowly her pale cheeks are …
The Grand Turk and His Harem. James Joyce: Giacomo Joyce. Neuübersetzung (11).
Papa and the girls sliding downhill, astride of a toboggan: the Grand Turk and his harem. Tightly capped and jacketted, boots laced in deft crisscross over the flesh-warmed tongue, the …
Twilight. James Joyce: Giacomo Joyce. Neuübersetzung (10).
Twilight. Crossing the piazza. Grey eve lowering on wide sagegreen pasturelands, shedding silently dusk and dew. She follows her mother with ungainly grace, the mare leading her filly foal. Grey …
Padua far beyond the sea. James Joyce: Giacomo Joyce. Neuübersetzung (9).
Padua far beyond the sea. The silent middle age, night darkness of history sleep in the Piazza delle Erbe under the moon. The city sleeps. Under the arches in the …
A flower. James Joyce: Giacomo Joyce. Neuübersetzung (8).
A flower given by her to my daughter. Frail gift, frail giver, frail blue-veined child. >>>> Giacomo Joyce 9 Giacomo Joyce 7 <<<< Editorial <<<<
A ricefield near Vercelli. James Joyce: Giacomo Joyce. Neuübersetzung (7).
A ricefield near Vercelli under creamy summer haze. The wings of her drooping hat shadow her false smile. Shadows streak her falsely smiling face, smitten by the hot creamy light, …
Rounded and ripened. James Joyce: Giacomo Joyce. Neuübersetzung (6).
Rounded and ripened: rounded by the lathe of intermarriage and ripened in the forcing-house of the seclusion of her race. >>>> Giacomo Joyce 7 Giacomo Joyce 5 <<<< Editorial <<<<
Never blowing the nose. James Joyce: Giacomo Joyce. Neuübersetzung (5).
She never blows her nose. A form of speech: the lesser for the greater. >>>> Giacomo Joyce 6 Giacomo Joyce 4 <<<< Editorial <<<<