Elena Filatova. Argo. Anderswelt. (192).

Dear Elena,
good morning (it’s 6.59 o’clock now in Berlin, I’ve been working since 5 o’clock),

in searching some descriptions, pictures, narrations of dead land’s zones, I found your website. I am just writing a new novel, third part of an ANDERSWELT (The Other World) called trilogy, whose first two parts just having been published in 1998 and 2001, and want to use some of your descriptions of the Chernobyl area. Hope, this is okay for you. Pardon me for not being able in sending you a donation; my life ist wunderful, but there’s a lack of economic sources for artists and even writers in Germany, too. So in mine.
For your welfare, instead, >>>> I’ll put an internet link to your homepage into my very discussed (and so visited) weblog DIE DSCHUNGEL. ANDERSWELT; and also, when publishing the new novel, I’ll write a thx in an appendix. Okay?


P.S.: Pardon me for not having an English translation of DIE DSCHUNGEL. ANDERSWELT; to read the pages you’ld have to know German. It’s a pity.

>>>> ARGO 193
ARGO 191 <<<<

2 thoughts on “Elena Filatova. Argo. Anderswelt. (192).

  1. Und sie antwortet. Of course, you can use any matherials from my site for you book.
    No problems with donations, this days, all artists, writers and philosophers living from spoon in mouth
    Darauf wieder ich:
    Thank you so much. I just published the link together with my letter. May be that some of my readers will now visit your site, may be that some of them will be interested in your stories and photographs. We’ll see.
    May I feel free to asking you on the zone sth. more, if it is nessecary? (Your description of the flora-full area was astonishing and directly gave me an impulse for telling the descent of one of my protagonists, called – with a smiling reverence to Dostojevski – the „tender one“. There is, so I feel, a kind of literary justice in it.)

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