Motivationen. Semele. Verbeen. (4).

I’d, nowadays, got the impression that all of my fathers very great love was given to his figures, his interior phantasm or to say it in this, in just the other way, to the world-in-common, to the trees, and rivers, and seas. It was so much heat that a special person, even one daughter, even me, or my mother, or even only a special friend would have burned of it, if my father had shown it specially to him or her. Maybe he’d, for this reason, been feeling all his life an obligation, not to home in this great love on someone. So he created this, for our pour-spirited feelings, very strange work. It is a kind of, let me say activated-carbon filter to use for when watching the sun. So you can see the protuberances. It is for our own protection. And in reading and listening, if we open our minds, for our happiness.

Nasrin Verbeen in einem Interview, CBS, 1995.

[Ist a bisserl verrauscht, ‚tschuldigung, wenn die Transkription nicht ganz stimmt.]

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