The music of Galina Ustvolskaya is not ‚avantgarde‘ in the commonly accepted sense of the word and for this reason was not openly censured in the USSR. However, she was accused of being unwilling to communicate and of ‘narrowness’ and ‘obstinacy’. It is only in the recent past that her critics have begun to realize that these supposed deficiencies are in fact the distinguishing qualities of her music. The composer Boris Tishchenko has aptly compared the ‘narrowness’ of her style with the concentrated light of a laser beam that is able to pierce through metal.
Galina Ustvolskaya’s works of the 1940s and 1950s sometimes sound as if they had been written today. Her specific idealism is informed by an almost fanatical determination; this should be construed not only as a typically Russian trait, but also – in terms of Dostoyevsky – as a ‚St. Petersburgian‘ one. Shostakovich wrote to her. „It is not you who are influenced by me; rather, it is I who am influenced by you.“ People quote Ustvolskaya; she does not quote them.<<<<
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Marianne Fritz (schweigt).
Kaffeehaus-O-Ton weg. Tzigane bleibt stehen, etwas in der Präsenz angehoben. Aber Vorsicht.