An den Vulkanologen Marco Fulle. (Stromboli 1).

Dear Mr. Fulle,
I am a German poet who is asked to write a long poem on Stromboli, where I have been several times during the last fifteen years. I was asked to write this poem now by the Bielefeld Gallery Jesse for an art-book on Stromboli to be pubished in Summer 2007. I will travel to Stromboli on April, 12th, to stand there to April, 18th.
When preparing my journey, I found >>>> your great site and >>>> these wonderfull photographs and want to ask your permission to put some of them on my very frequented >>>> Literary Weblog DIE DSCHUNGEL. ANDERSWELT, by giving the links, of course.
On my poetic work you can find informations at >>>> HERBST & DETERS FIKTIONÄRE, but pardon me, it’s only in German.
May I ask you for some good contact on Stromboli? I also want to record sounds of the vulcano for a broadcast play that I shall write and direct for Deutschlandfunk Köln – one of the biggest German radio communicators. It will be something between radio drama (fictional) and documentary report – a so-called „poetic feature“. I did a lot of them during the last ten years.
Thank you for propably answering me,

Stromboli 2 und folgende >>>> d o r t.

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